Direct medical & trauma resuscitations & supervise junior house staff & medical students
Shifts include the adult & pediatric sides of the ED at UVa
ICU management of critically ill trauma patients on the trauma surgery service
Responds to all trauma alerts & is in a leadership role in the diagnostic workup & treatment of trauma alerted patients
Available electives include community emergency medicine, burn ICU, ENT, neurosurgery, thoracic-cardiovascular surgery, wilderness emergency medicine, accident & emergency department in Edinburgh, Scotland
Please see the Away Rotations section for a complete list of available electives
ICU management of critically ill children with complex medical condition
Includes trauma as well as medical patient
Dedicated month working pediatric ED shifts at Inova Fairfax Medical Campus.
Evaluating patients (both pre and post-operative) with orthopedic injuries or disease.
Provides opportunity for follow-up on patients initially seen and treated in the Emergency Department.