
Educational Conference Schedule

Summer Teaching Series

tumor boards

For PGY1s, the summer is enriched with daily introductory teaching beginning with peer-led basic histology slide sessions in July and progressing to August faculty didactics in high-yield AP topics ranging from lectures in luminal GI, Gyn, and Breast to “chalk talks” on how to approach soft tissue neoplasms to a hands-on fine needle aspiration workshop.  PGY3s are also required to attend the August morning lectures, as these provide an excellent refresher on common surgical pathology diagnoses.

PGY2s receive similarly dense Laboratory Medicine content throughout the summer to ensure their readiness to handle everything from transfusion reactions to identifying pre-analytic errors to mycobacterial speciation.

For the month of August, PGY4s may attend to elect the AP or the CP content on a day-by-day basis based on their own interests, personal knowledge gaps, and Boards preparation plans.

Fall-Spring Daily Morning Teaching Schedule

In September, the formal educational curriculum merges for all trainee years with daily 8am content consisting of Monday AP Didactics, Tuesday CP Didactics, Wednesday Interactive Surgical Pathology Case Conference, Thursday Autopsy and Brain-cutting Conference, and Friday Interactive Lab Medicine Conference.  These sessions are attended by all PGY levels, and trainees are protected from clinical responsibilities during this structured teaching time.

Midday and Afternoon Seminars, Journal Clubs, and Slide Sessions

Our structured morning teaching is supplemented by frequent lunchtime and afternoon educational sessions such as our departmental lunchtime Seminar Series (every Tuesday 12:00-1:00 pm September-June), Dermatopathology Journal Club (12:30-1:30 pm every other Monday), Hematopathology Journal Club (Thursdays 10:30-11:30 am), Neuropathology Journal Club (third Thursdays from 10:00-11:00), and AP Journal Club (3rd Thursday 12:00-1:00pm).

Friday afternoons from late February to mid-May, trainees encounter a host of high-yield, often uncommon entities through our Spring Slides Series.  These interactive, faculty-led sessions are held from 4-5 pm on Fridays and are geared towards Boards-bound senior residents, however trainees at all levels are welcome to attend.  While previewing the slides in advance isn’t required, trainees are given all week to review the cases at their convenience to test their skills and work on honing their differentials.  Many of our graduates noted that these sessions were extremely helpful for their AP Boards success!