
Weekend exam support

Students take interim and summative exams on weekends using the online testing system. The exam schedules typically open the exam on Friday at 12pm and close the exam on Sunday at 1pm.

How it works

  1. We monitor the inbox at least once each hour between 9am and 5pm looking for email from students.
  2. The Online Testing System keeps copious logs on your interactions (question navigation, clicks, time stamps, etc.) so tech support should be able to see the issues that you describe to us in your email.
  3. Med Ed Technology staff will reply via email unless you tell us otherwise (phone, text, etc). If you raise an issue after 5pm, please be patient as it may be 9am before you hear from us.
  4. If the exam is restricted to a particular location (typically a summative exam), make sure that location services are enabled. If you can’t get geolocation to report correctly, then you should email a photo demonstrating your location and we should be able to give you a bypass code for the exam. We will follow-up later in the week to help you get location services working correctly for the next exam.
  5.  Most issues will require the approval of the on-call faculty member. So, please be patient as we contact them.

If you experience technical issues while taking an exam

Most commonly your browser freezes, you get kicked out of browser, pages won’t render, super slow.

  • Take note of the time and Quit/close your internet browser to exit the online testing system.
  • Restart your internet browser w/a single tab and navigate back to the testing system –
  • If time permits, clear your browser’s data (history/cache/cookies).
  • Your exam timer continues to run. Take a moment to estimate how much time you think that you lost.
  • Continue with the exam.
  • After you submit your exam, DO NOT view your exam feedback/answers. If you have seen the answers, we can not re-open and/or give additional time to return to the exam.
  •  If the technical difficulties and/or time lost were consequential, send an email to explaining what happened and how much time was lost.
  • Wait for Med Ed Tech to reply. We will review the system logs and likely need to discuss with the system leader or faculty member.