
Colton Wood, MD

Colton Wood

My Homtown:  Perry, Georgia (A sweet little town of about 12,500 people located 2 hours south of Atlanta, Ga)

Where I attended undergrad school:  University of Georgia

Where I attended medical school:  University of Georgia – Medical College of Georgia Medical Partnership

My current residence:  Lakeside Apartments in Charlottesville, Va

Why I chose Charlottesville:  My wife, Morgan, and I fell in love with Charlottesville almost instantly.  We found the refined southern culture, heart-warming scenery, and kind and caring locals to be so refreshing.  UVA Hospital’s reputation as both an excellent academic hospital and a home to one of the strongest Family Medicine programs in the U.S. also played a big part in why I chose Charlottesville.

About me:  I was born and raised in middle Georgia by an incredible family who modeled hard work and unwavering love for one another.  My biggest passions growing up were playing the drum set, baseball, UGA sports, and medicine.  I was raised since infancy as a bulldawg and discovered that I truly bled red and black when I was accepted to the University of Georgia and made the UGA drumline.  During my sophomore year in undergrad, I considered going to school to become a studio drum set musician.  However, something deep inside always wanted to learn more of how our bodies function.  I loved the idea of learning a discipline that could so meaningfully touch and change other’s lives.  During my second year of medical school, I met the most beautiful, wonderful girl and convinced her to marry me 1 year later.  I was looking for a strong academic residency program that would develop me into becoming a strong applicant for a competitive Primary Care Sports Medicine fellowship.  UVA was certainly at the top of my list.  Since matching at UVA and moving to Charlottesville, Morgan and I have planted our feet at Trinity Presbyterian Church, have seen some of the most breathtaking views on mountainside hikes, and have enjoyed every second of calling Charlottesville our home away from Georgia.

My Family Medicine interests:  Primary Care Sports Medicine