Other Requirements
Other Requirements
Didactic Courses:
In addition to participating in the lectures/exams presented to the Radiation Oncology
residents (Physics and Radiation Biology), an assessment and determination of
other possible complementing courses or lecture series will be provided including:
Radiographic Anatomy, Radiotherapy Physics (Basics, Dose Calculations, Shielding,
IMRT, Particle Beams), and Diagnostic Techniques in Radiation Oncology.
Self Study:
All rotations have a list of assigned readings, such as AAPM Task Group reports. The
readings are reviewed during the biweekly meetings with the program director and the
rotation supervisor. The resident is responsible for all of these readings even if they do
not get discussed due to time constraints.
Off Site Rotations:
The resident is required to perform mini-rotations in the Nuclear Medicine Department
and the Radiation Safety Office at the University of Virginia. Other off site rotations,
such as in Proton Therapy, are arranged during the second year of the residency
depending on the interests of the resident.
Resident Activity Logs:
The resident submits a written report (1-2 pages) on a monthly basis on the activities that
the resident has performed that month and the plans for the following month.
Didactic Lectures and Conferences:
A lecture series of radiation therapy physics and radiation biology is available every year
to physicist and physician residents. Additional lectures and conferences are scheduled
as needed and or requested.
Clinical Physics Resident Competency Expectations:
The resident is continuously evaluated by the faculty. Any issues with the resident are
discussed at the biweekly residency meeting. The resident must pass two oral exams
(after each year) to successfully complete the program. Any areas of failure will result in
a re-examination.
Journal Club:
Resident will participate in monthly journal club presentations
New Patient and Simulation Conferences:
Resident will participate in 2/week new patient and simulation conferences