The Oncology Research Information Exchange Network (ORIEN) brings together North America’s top cancer centers in a unique research partnership. Since UVA joined in 2015, this partnership has been invaluable in helping researchers study and develop new:
- Cancer research
- Clinical trials
- Technology
- Informatics solutions
- Personalized medicine
ORIEN Inter-Member Project Collaborations
ORIEN inter-member project collaboration opportunities are a free, low-energy way for UVA investigators at to collaborate with peers from other high-profile cancer centers across the US, and to participate and contribute to the science of the studies making use of ORIEN Avatar patient clinical and genomic data. In an effort to reduce barriers to efficient data sharing across the network, the Cancer Center has made an institutional decision to automatically opt-in to every inter-member project for which we have contributed patients. ORIEN authorship guidelines recommend offering authorship to sites that contribute ≥1 patient in the study.
To view a list of current projects that are being initiated along with individual project descriptions, click here. This list is updated monthly. If interested, please contact Program Director Elizabeth Mulcahy at qx3k@uvahealth.org.
ORIEN Project Publications
To view a list of current publications from other ORIEN sites, please go here.