BSR Pilot Award Program
We are pleased to announce the launch of UVA Comprehensive Cancer Center’s (UVACCC) Biostatistics Shared Resource (BSR) Pilot Award program (up to $5,000 for each award).
UVACCC’s BSR has pilot funds available in support of statistical design and data analysis for cancer-related basic, clinical, translational, and population science research projects. Proposals should align with UVACCC’s overall mission and the mission of the research program where the applicant is a member. Priority will be given to proposals that clearly demonstrate a strong likelihood of leading to a successful externally-funded grant proposal/trial protocol and/or producing peer-reviewed publications.
Proposals will be accepted twice a year, and will be reviewed by BSR and UVACCC leadership. Funding decision will be made approximately a month following submission deadline. Timeline for initiating a newly funded project will depend on the current capacity of BSR, with an expected start date within 6 weeks following award announcement.
Important Dates
First Wednesday of April and December every year
- The applicant is a Cancer Center member.
- 2-page (maximum) proposal that includes:
- Project Abstract: background, aims, methods (with a description of data)
- Biostatistical support needed and Budget
- Anticipated outcomes and Future direction
Submission Process
Following the issue of BSR Pilot RFA, please visit the InfoReady link to view RFA details and to apply.
Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Biostatistics Shared Resource Director Dr. Hong Zhu with questions and to discuss alignment and feasibility.