
Adam L. Shimer, MD

Dr. Adam L. Shimer is Tenured Professor of Orthopedic Spine Surgery at the University of Virginia.  He is also the fellowship co-director for orthopedic spine surgery.  Dr. Shimer is the Spine doctor for University of Virginia and James Madison University Athletics.  Dr. Shimer’s training started with college at UVA, followed by medical school at UVA and Orthopedic residency at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.  He completed an orthopedic research fellowship at UPMC focused on cellular- and gene-based therapy for intervertebral disc repair and regeneration.  After his orthopedic spine fellowship at the Rothman Institute at Thomas Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia he joined the faculty in 2009.  His practice is focused on complete care of neoplastic, infectious, traumatic , degenerative , and deformity conditions the spine.  He has extensive experience and particular interest with treating complex cervical spine pathology. His other research interests include value base spine care, patient reported outcome measurements and complications of spinal surgery.  Dr. Shimer is also the orthopedic inpatient unit medical director.  He is a member of Cervical Spine Research society, American academy of Orthopedic surgeons, North American Spine Society, and Virginia Orthopedics Society.

Beyond Orthopaedics
“Outside of work, I spend as much time as I can with my wife, two children and dog, Linus. The Shimer family enjoys travelling, the outdoors, and gardening.


Office Location:
UVA Orthopaedic Center
2280 Ivy Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Mailing Address:
Dept. Orthopaedic Surgery
University of Virginia
PO Box 800159
Charlottesville, VA 22908

Clinical Office Phone:
Administrative Office Phone:
Office Fax:


Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery

Specialty and Subspecialty

Specialty: Orthopedic Surgery

Subspecialty: Spinal Surgery


Education: 2002 Medical School, University of Virginia
1998 Undergraduate, University of Virginia, Engineering

Residency: 2002 – 2008 Orthopaedic Residency,
University of Pittsburgh2008 – 2009 The Rothman Institute and Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

Special Expertise

Complex Cervical Spine Surgery
Adult Spinal Deformity
Minimally Invasive Treatment of Spinal Conditions

Certification and Licenser

Orthopaedic Surgery, Virginia


2013 Nominee for North American Spine Society Value Award
2012 Runner-up North American Spine Society / The Spine Journal Outstanding Paper Award

2012 VirginiaOrthopaedic Society 65th Annual Meeting – Best Poster Award

2011 AO Spine North AmericaYoung Investigator Research Award

2009 AO Spine North America 7th Annual Fellows Forum, 1st Place

2004 North American Spine Society / The Spine Journal Outstanding Paper Award

2004 Cervical Spine Research Society 1st Place Fielding Resident/Fellow Research Award

2005 The Pittsburgh Foundation Dr. Albert B. Ferguson, Jr. Orthopaedic Fund

2002 Gratton Alexander Litz III Award

Research Description

Investigation of the cellular and biochemical pathways of intervertebral disc degeneration and developing novel modalities targeted at altering the natural course of degeneration. Specific areas of interest include gene transfer, feasibility of mesenchymal stem cell therapy for the treatment of intervertebral disc degeneration, and an improved understanding of the role that notochordal cells have in degeneration.


2014 – Dr. A. Shimer discusses “When Should You see a Doctor About Low Back Pain”….

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