
Clinical Neurophysiology/EEG and Epilepsy Fellowships

History of Epilepsy care at the University of Virginia

University of Virginia’s F.E. Dreifuss Comprehensive Epilepsy Program (CEP) was founded in 1977 as one of only three such programs nationwide funded by the National Institutes of Health. The CEP offers the most advanced resources available to help patients achieve remission of their seizures. Today, the CEP is not only comprehensive in terms of its team approach to care, but also in its ability to apply every available diagnostic and treatment option.

We have outpatient clinics in Charlottesville and Southwest Virginia to provide initial and ongoing consultations to about 3,500 individuals each year. Digital/video EEGs are a part of the comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic services.

Through the Inpatient Epilepsy Unit, we offer comprehensive evaluation, including intensive video and EEG monitoring of patients with seizures that are difficult to diagnose or control. We are able to work with up to 7 patients at a time in our new facilities.

We treat patients with intractable epilepsy in other ways. Surgery to remove the seizure focus is indicated for some epilepsy patients. This may be performed using standard neurosurgical techniques or the Gamma Knife. Vagus Nerve Stimulation and experimental medications are other alternatives.

Fellowship Today

The goal of the combined Clinical Neurophysiology EEG track and Epilepsy Fellowship Programs at the University of Virginia is to develop well-trained Epileptologists who have the potential to become leaders in academic and clinical Epilepsy.

During the two-year fellowship, Fellows are exposed to a variety of different EEGs and Epileptic Conditions across the age spectrum. There are standard structured rotations during the first and second years with flexible elective time during the second year to explore personal career goals. We are pediatric friendly and can offer one pediatric-focused position each year, if Fellows are interested.  Historically, approximately one-half of fellows continue on to academic careers, while the other half takes a position in a private practice setting, with several developing new EMU programs upon graduation.