
Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders

The Division of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders at UVA consists of 4 movement disorder neurology experts, a nurse practitioner, and a nurse case manager. We provide consultation and management for a range of neurological disorders characterized by involuntary movements and impaired motor control.  We also have an active research program and conduct studies in conjunction with the NIH, Parkinson’s Study Group, and Huntington’s Study Group. Our comprehensive interdisciplinary treatment approach includes pharmacotherapy, non-pharmacologic therapy, chemodenervation, and deep brain stimulation (DBS) and we work closely with our colleagues in neuropsychology, neurosurgery, and physical therapy.

The UVA Parkinson’s Disease Program has been recognized as an Advanced Center for Research by the American Parkinson’s Disease Association since 1990. The APDA also sponsors an Information and Referral center for PD-related questions at UVA.

The UVA Huntington’s Disease Program has been designated as a Center of Excellence by the Huntington’s Disease Society of America since 2000 and provides interdisciplinary services through a monthly clinic dedicated to the care of patients and families with HD.

Core Providers:

 Associated Providers:

Clinical Staff:


Additional Information:

To make an appointment, please call (434) 924-2706.

For directions and more information about our clinics:
Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Clinic
Huntington’s Disease Clinic