
Why Gamma Knife at UVA


The University of Virginia Health System is a leader in Gamma Knife Surgery.  Since 1989, the UVa Gamma Knife Center has treated more than 10,000 patients from 54 other countries and every state in the U.S. Dr. Jason Sheehan and offers exceptional experience in radiosurgery.  That experience, coupled with the latest Gamma Knife technology, offers our patients the best chance of a successful result.

Consider the following facts about radiosurgery at the University of Virginia

  • UVA is one of the first centers in the world to treat patients with the Gamma Knife Perfexion, the first total redesign of the technology in 30 years. Gamma Knife has always been the gold standard for intracranial radiosurgery, and Perfexion improves accuracy and precision even more.
  • Our Ladislau Steiner, now deceased, helped develop the first Gamma Knife 30 years ago, made UVA one of the first five Gamma installations in the world, and pioneered applications for many different indications, including acoustic neuromas and AVMs, making our center’s experience among the greatest in the world.
  • UVa is a leader in Gamma Knife Surgery. Our original Gamma unit was the fifth in the world and only the second in the United States. There are now more than 200 Gamma Knife units around the world.
  • Dr. Jason Sheehan, Director of the Gamma Knife Center, is fellowship-trained in stereotactic radiosurgery and has worked with Dr. Steiner and Drs. L. Dade Lunsford, Douglas Kondziolka and John Flickinger at the University of Pittsburgh.
  • Together, Drs. Steiner and Sheehan have taught numerous neurosurgeons and radiation oncologists in the technique of radiosurgery. Many of these students have gone on to start radiosurgical centers in other parts of the world.
  • RotundaUVa specialists in neurosurgery, neuroradiology, endocrinology, anesthesiology, neuro-ophthalmology, neuro-otology, radiation oncology and medical physics work as an integrated team to provide comprehensive care to our patients. Pioneering work in Gamma surgery has been performed here for arteriovenous malformations, pituitary adenomas, brain metastases and trigeminal neuralgia.

Patients have come from all over the world to be treated by our world-class physicians in our world-class facilities

UVA Gamma Knife Admissions from Around the world.