
Diagnostic Radiology/Nuclear Medicine (DR/NM) Pathway

The 16-month combined Diagnostic Radiology/Nuclear Medicine pathway to dual certification is available to all diagnostic radiology residents. At UVA, residents begin the program in their 3rd year of residency.

To qualify for the ABR’s subspecialty certificate in nuclear radiology, a resident must spend a total of 16 months of their diagnostic radiology residency in nuclear medicine. Four months of nuclear radiology or nuclear medicine are required of every resident in a DR program, and count towards the 16 months of experience.

Of the remaining 12 months, up to four months of training may be in a field related to nuclear medicine and/ore molecular imaging. This is at the discretion of the diagnostic radiology program director. Examples include abdominal, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal or thoracic radiology; head and neck/neuroradiology; interventional radiology; non-isotopic molecular imaging; or oncologic imaging.

Full ABR Requirements

Read about a resident’s Dual Pathway experience


Jiefu Zheng, MD, PhD
Interim Program Director, Diagnostic Radiology/Nuclear Medicine (DR/NM) Pathway
Interim Chief, Division of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging