
Program Overview

UVA Peds GI Fellowship Handbook

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The Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition at the University of Virginia is proud of our commitment to excellence in patient care, education, research, and community outreach. Our Fellowship Program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and successful completion qualifies the trainee to take the Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition sub-board examination for certification by the American Board of Pediatrics.

The UVA Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Fellowship offer an active combined program of clinical and research training. Trainees acquire the clinical and technical skills necessary to function independently as a pediatric gastroenterologist in addition to learning the general principles and techniques of scientific investigation. Three years of training are required, in accordance with the American Board of Pediatrics, and are divided as outlined below.

UVA Peds GI Fellowship Handbook

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Applicant Qualifications and Licensure

Fellows are selected from applicants who will have completed training in pediatrics at the time their fellowship would begin. A Virginia license to practice medicine is not required as UVA grants fellows an institutional training permit. The University of Virginia does not discriminate with regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or political affiliation. The stipend for fellows is set annually by the UVA Health System.

Program Structure

This schedule reflects American College of Graduate of Medical Education and American Board of Pediatrics requirements for training and board certification in Pediatric Gastroenterology, respectively, as well as our fundamental commitment to proving a well-rounded fellowship experience with balance across the clinical, teaching, research, and advocacy missions of academic pediatric gastroenterology. Prior background in research is not required to be an eligible or competitive candidate for our program.

  • Our fellows have access to a broad array of outstanding scientific mentors across the Division, Department of Pediatrics, and School of Medicine. A fellow’s primary research mentor is expected to be independently funded scientists or physician-scientist who devote the majority of their time to research.
  • First-year fellows who choose to work with an approved mentor on a non-funded project are expected to submit a National Institutes of Health F32 application. In this scenario, fellows are encouraged to identify broad research interests in the first two quarters of their first year. The third quarter will be devoted to research exploration, choosing a primary mentor and project, followed by F32 submission by the first week of April. Of note, submission of the F32 application satisfies the scholarly product requirement for subspecialty board certification.
  • First-year fellows who work with a funded mentor or who secure a training grant position are not required to submit an F32 application.
  • Fellows who successfully compete for funded F32 submissions are rewarded with a one-time $5000 bonus, paid directly to the fellow.
  • The Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition will provide full salary support to fellows who are not F32-eligible or whose F32 submissions are not selected for funding.
  • Matched fellows interested in developing a project prior to the start of fellowship are encouraged to explore the Pediatric Scientist Development Program.