
Letter from the Chief Residents

Mark Kryger and Alex Banathy

2023-2024 IR Chief Residents Alex Banathy, MD (right) and Marc Kryger, MD (left)

Thank you for considering interventional radiology as a specialty! We are proud to be chief residents for our IR-Integrated and IR-Independent training programs.  Our programs are considered two of best in the nation and would like to share the features of our programs that make us great.

Our Residents

Training at UVA produces residents who are strong clinical radiologists, successful researchers, great teammates, and close friends. Spending your intern year in our Department of Surgery offers a great opportunity to learn and collaborate with other specialties which is a great foundation. We loved it!

Our Faculty

Our attendings, here at UVA are known world-wide in the field and produce leading research, as well as holding leadership positions for several journals. Our faculty held, and hold, leadership positions at SIR. Our attendings love what they do, and in turn energize us to be the best.  We work closely with our attendings, so you know they care about us getting the best education.

Our Education

We are very grateful for the outstanding training experience at UVA. Our attendings have earned teaching accolades and are involved in radiology education on a national level. When performing procedures, at the workstation, in IR clinics, and through didactic conferences, our understanding of the field broadens and deepens with teachers who are renowned in our field and who love to teach.

Procedural Experience

We have extensive breadth of procedural experience training, from venous and aortic work, interventional oncology, UAE/PAE, vascular access, and dialysis access. Our procedural experience spans our diagnostic and interventional rotations. We do US- and CT-guided body procedures on rotations allowing us to focus the majority of our attention on endovascular interventions during our interventional radiology months. And there’s nothing like doing our daily morning scrub with a floor-to-ceiling view of the mountains!

Workstation Workflow

On diagnostic rotations, we work closely with our attending radiologists, co-residents, and referring doctors to provide the best care for our patients and optimize our learning. They are very invested in teaching us and will frequently share cases during downtime, and do comprehensive in-person sign-outs with us every day.


Our interventional radiology attending physicians give a structured curricular lecture series that spans the academic year, which covers all relevant topics as taught by the premier experts on each subject, as well as near-daily case conference. We also do monthly morbidity and mortality conference, and we have virtual journal club meetings, inviting other institutions to join us.

Residents as Teachers

When teaching our junior residents and medical students on rotation in diagnostic and interventional radiology, we focus on helping them make great choices for their careers and understanding the role of diagnostic and interventional radiology. We have both local and away students who rotate through UVA.

Resident Leadership

Many opportunities exist for leadership at the resident, institutional, local and regional levels. At UVA, our housestaff council and multiple diversity programs seek resident involvement to grow our roles and initiatives. Many become involved through the local and regional radiology and medical societies, representing UVA and residents as a whole in events like White Coats on Call to the state capitol and at several annual radiology conferences.

Our Town of Charlottesville

Charlottesville is a small town nestled in the mountains of central Virginia. We enjoy our time here! There are plenty of outdoor and indoor activities, hiking, wineries/breweries/cideries, great local restaurants, concerts with popular artists, and of course UVA sports!