Part-Time Clinical Faculty
The Department of Emergency Medicine is a unique department in that patient care is not only coordinated through clinical schedules but are somewhat coordinated through events, activities, and social developments of the communities that we care for and service. Understanding this unique culture, the success that we have had is heavily based on the support of our Part-Time Clinical Faculty. These medical professionals have been selected and retained based on their knowledge, skills, and abilities as physicians to support the department in times of projected patient increases as well as times where full-time faculty is not available based on education, professional, and/or personal reasons for absence. Thank you for the following physicians who stand in the gap and provide a resource for the continuation of care when it matters the most.
Part-Time Faculty
Ali Al-Marzoog, MD
Ben Alexander, MD
Alina Fomovska, MD
Seth Gerard, MD
Sanjay Kripalani, MD
Jacob Mace, DO
Laura McLean, MD
Mary B. Murray, MD
Peter Paige, MD
Claire Plautz, MD
Justin Rizer, MD – Toxicology
Eunice “Nici” Singletary, MD – Administrative
Mairin Smith, MD
Mary Thom, MD
Greyson Vann, MD
Leigh-Ann Webb, MD, MBA
Justin Yaworsky, MD