
Pediatric Emergency Department

Emergency & Trauma

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The Pediatric Emergency Department is a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to the care of pediatric patients (age 0-21 years). Staffed by Pediatric Emergency physicians and nurses, we see children and teens immediately and prioritize cases according to the level of the emergency. No matter how big or how small the emergency, we provide specialized treatment in a friendly, caring environment, 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week. It is the only dedicated facility of its type in Virginia.

Emergency & Trauma

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Emergency Services for Kids

Evaluations of Abuse

We’re committed to protecting children from physical and sexual abuse. Our doctors and nurses with specialized training offer comprehensive exams for children who are suspected victims of abuse. You can also make an appointment for one of these sensitive evaluations.

Poisoning Intervention

At our Blue Ridge Poison Center, experts take calls 24/7, providing free, confidential treatment advice about poison safety, including questions about the safe use of prescription and over-the-counter medicines. Our nurses and doctors have the training to handle poisonings from:

  • Medicines
  • Plants
  • Household cleaning products
  • Industrial chemicals
  • Snake bites
  • Carbon monoxide
