
Radiology Global Health Leadership Track

Residence looking at patient scans

Spencer B. Gay Radiology Resident International Education Program and Global Health Leadership Track

Mission & Vision

Until recently, Radiology has played a small role in the developing arena of global health. There is much to gain in terms of educational and professional development from reciprocal exchange of education and imaging applications between institutions, students, residents, and physicians in the underdeveloped world and those in developed nations.

The mission of this program is to provide an enduring educational exchange between the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging at the University of Virginia and underserved international health care organizations. Our vision is to have an established and sustainable health care education elective for UVA radiology residents that positively impacts both the Residents-in-Training and underserved international communities.


In his 20 years overseeing the UVA Radiology Residency program, Dr. Spencer B. Gay went above and beyond to develop both the program and the residents. Formed in his honor, the Spencer B. Gay Program was born from a growing interest in international work among UVA Radiology residents as well as a desire on the part of lead faculty for residents to have the opportunity to “give back” on a global scale.

In 2013, several global health initiatives coalesced across the department at once. Around the time Spencer B. Gay was returning from a service trip to Cambodia, resident Rebecca Gerber received a scholarship from the American College of Radiology to do international work in Rwanda. At the same time, Department Chair Dr. Alan Matsumoto was also working to provide international education to a group in Kuwait.

When Dr. Gay announced his retirement in 2014, Dr. Matsumoto saw the opportunity to create an enduring program for residents to fulfill this international education need. Ultimately, this combination resulted in the creation of the Spencer B. Gay Program. While the program is still evolving, the mission to build sustainable ongoing relationships with international partners is firmly established.

Program Details

Reflections from the Inaugural Participants

As the first participants in the SBG program, Connor Louden and Ally Baheti had the powerful and challenging opportunity to set the course of the program for years to come. They quickly recognized that instruction for the radiology residents in Uganda was a huge need, and they stepped in quickly to fill the gap.

This global health program is unique in the country in that it focuses on ongoing instruction of residents rather than primarily on direct health care.