
Lawrence M. Silverman, Ph.D.

Lawrence M. Silverman, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Pathology


Molecular diagnostics of inherited and acquired disorders.


Modifier genes in cystic fibrosis; developing technologies in genomics and proteomics; epigenetics.


  • Consensus Characterization of 16 FMR1 Reference Materials: A Consortium  Study by the Fragile Xperts.  J Mol. Diagnostics. In Press.
  • Mahadevan K, Silverman LM, Becker DM: Chronotropic incompetence precedes silent pulmonary embolism. Curr Sports Med Rep 2014, 13:72-74. DOI: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000033.
  • McCudden CR, Senior BA, Hainsworth S, Oliveira W, Silverman LM, Bruns DE, Hammett-Stabler C: Evaluation of high resolution gel β(2)-transferrin for detection of cerebrospinal fluid leak. Clin Chem Lab Med 2013, 51:311-315. DOI: 10.1515/cclm-2012-0408.
  • Pastore LM, Young SL, Baker VL, Karns LB, Williams CD, Silverman LM: Elevated prevalence of 35-44 FMR1 trinucleotide repeats in women with diminished ovarian reserve. Reprod Sci 2012, 19:1226-1231. DOI: 10.1177/1933719112446074.
  •   Bender L, Silverman LM, Dinulos MB, Nickel J, Grody WW: Direct-to-consumer genotyping: are we ready for a brave new world? Clin Chem 2010, 56:1056-1060. DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2009.138743.
  • Bartlett JR, Friedman KJ, Ling SC, Pace RG, Bell SC, Bourke B, Castaldo G, Castellani C, Cipolli M, Colombo C, Colombo JL, Debray D, Fernandez A, Lacaille F, Macek M, Rowland M, Salvatore F, Taylor CJ, Wainwright C, Wilschanski M, Zemková D, Hannah WB, Phillips MJ, Corey M, Zielenski J, Dorfman R, Wang Y, Zou F,Silverman LM, Drumm ML, Wright FA, Lange EM, Durie PR, Knowles MR, Gene Modifier SG: Genetic modifiers of liver disease in cystic fibrosis. JAMA 2009, 302:1076-1083. DOI: 10.1001/jama.2009.1295.
  • Chute DJ, Cousar JB, Mahadevan MS, Siegrist KA, Silverman LM, Stoler MH: Detection of immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangements in classic hodgkin lymphoma using commercially available BIOMED-2 primers. Diagn Mol Pathol 2008, 17:65-72. DOI: 10.1097/PDM.0b013e318150d695.
  • Margaret L. Gulley, MD; Rita M. Braziel, MD; Kevin C. Halling, MD, PhD; Eric D. Hsi, MD; Jeffrey A. Kant, MD, PhD; Marina N. Nikiforova, MD; Jan A. Nowak, MD, PhD; Shuji Ogino, MD, PhD; Andre Oliveira, MD; Herbert F. Polesky, MD; Lawrence Silverman, PhD; Raymond R. Tubbs, DO; Vivianna M. Van Deerlin, MD, PhD; Gail H. Vance, MD; James Versalovic, MD, PhD; for the Molecular Pathology Resource Committee, College of American Pathologists. Clinical Laboratory Reports in Molecular Pathology.   Archives of Pathology and  Laboratory Medicine: Vol. 131, No. 6, pp. 852-863, 2006.
  • Silverman, LM, and Mifflin TE, Genotype-Phenotype Correlations (II): Assessing the Influence of Sequence  Variants on the Clinical Phenotype in Multifactorial Disorders. Clin Chem 51, 929-930, 2005.
  • Silverman, LM and Mahadevan M. Genotype-Phenotype Correlations: Assessing the influence of sequence variants on the clinical phenotype. Clin Chem 51, #1, 8, 2005.
  • Highsmith, WE, Friedman, KF, Silverman, LM, and Knowles, MR. A mutation (D1152H) in CFTR with mild lung disease and normal sweat chloride. Clinical Genetics  Clin Genet, 68: 88-90, 2005
  • Sugarman, EA, Rohlfs, EM, Silverman, LM, and Allitto, BA. CFTR mutation distribution among U.S. Hispanic and African-American individuals: Evaluation in cystic fibrosis patient and carrier screening populations. Genetics in Medicine, 6(#5), 392-399 2004.

A current list of Dr. Silverman’s journal publications can be obtained from PubMed