The UVA program advances over a 3-year-training period, with the first year primarily devoted to clinical pediatric nephrology and the final two years devoted to research.
Two Research Tracks are available:
- A classic basic science research track within our laboratories
- A translational research track including graduate training or degree with our Multidisciplinary Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI) or
Masters of Public Health (MPH) programs (Masters program preferred)
Curriculum: Year 1
Fellows assume primary responsibility for all infants and children admitted with renal disorders, consultations regarding renal disorders in children on other services, and outpatients.
Clinical Experiences include:
- Management of a wide variety of pediatric renal disorders, including hemodialysis, acute and chronic peritoneal dialysis, and continuous veno-venous hemofiltration (CVVH)
- Percutaneous renal needle biopsies and review of results with a nephropathologist
- Interpretation of radiologic studies of the kidney including intravenous pyelography, arteriography, renal scintigraphy, ultrasonography, and MRI
- Daily interaction with our Nurse Practitioner and Advanced Practice Nurse related to the care of patients and interaction with their families
- Daily interaction and teaching with residents and medical students in inpatient and outpatient settings
- Rotations in acute hemodialysis with the Adult Nephrology service, Urology, and electives as desired
Trainees are responsible for night call on alternate weeks and weekends during the year, with the attending nephrologist always available for consultation.
Supervision is provided by the pediatric nephrology attendings:
- All inpatients and outpatients are discussed
- Daily ward rounds with the attending are held
- Two attendings are present at outpatient sessions
- Consultations on other services are reviewed by the trainee and then discussed with the attending
Research Experiences include:
- At least two months initiating research plans (basic or clinical) including mentor identification, protocol/grant development, and core scholarly activity curriculae
- Participation in ongoing clinical research protocols
Curriculum: Year 2
The major focus of the second year is research activities, with specifics determined by the chosen track. Fellows continue to attend weekly Pediatric Renal Clinic and teach residents and students in clinic. Night call is approximately one week per month.
Curriculum: Year 3
The major focus is on research work, preparation for presentation at scientific meetings, and publication of the results of projects (specifics determined by chosen track). Fellows continue to attend weekly clinic and take night call about one week per month.
Regularly scheduled conferences include:
Daily | Weekly | Monthly |
Pediatric Resident Rounds | Pediatric Grand Rounds Pediatric Renal Clinic Conference Renal Grand Rounds (joint Medicine-Pediatric) Pediatric Renal Seminar |
Pediatric Urology Conference Renal Biopsy Conference (joint Medicine-Pediatric) Pediatric Renal Transplant Conference |